Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Mass Effect 2

This game has alot of intresting things, so if you whould like to make choices that are just mean or heroic, then you lé gusta this.

Well i shall not spoil the story but it is the basic "Mass Effect" story, with outher words: We must survive! kind of story with more to it, also your crew have each a story to tell.

Type Of Game:
It is an FPS-third person game with RPG elements in it.

Well there is alot to it BUT! if you skip exploring all the galaxys and only head for the main story, it ends pretty fast to bad, also there explore worlds thing is very boring after the first 20 times couse there is allmost never anything on the planets and when it is it is a little mission on 10-5min that is kinda dull and has no meaning, so that is kinda dissapointing, but from that, it´s good. also there are alot of dlc you can download but it´s kinda annoying to do couse you have to make an account also enter their website to download them and sometimes you cant download them.

The music is good, dident find it annoying at any part, the voice acting is really good, really good!

The grafics are really nice but it´s alot of blur, but not as much as in fable3 tho couse that game has insane amounts of it, but the blur in Mass Effect 2 aint annoying tho, but the textures they could do a little extra to it.

All you can wish for.

Simple, logic, effective and smooth. EXEPT! that you use spacebar for EVERYTHING almost...

This game can take very long time, or can be over in no time, you choose.

The one bug i found was that whn you sometime step on objekt you get stuck or the camera goes ape shit on you, other then that, noone so far.

It´s worth to play, mostly couse to the RPG elements, it really gives you a satisfying feeling when you make your choices also the combats are nice couse you may lay out a plan how to engade the enemy.
BUT! i must add that you should boykott the mass effect series for a number of reasons couse the company are basicly jerks to the consumers!


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